

November 23rd, 2007

01:47 am: By popular demand
Jūsu uzmanībai piedāvāju neapšaubāmo desmitgades mūzikas ierakstu, kuru pirms trim gadiem par pāris latiem nopirku Gagauzijas Autonomās republikas galvaspilsētas Komratas pažobeles mūzikas veikalā. Ar zilu flomasteru veiktais uzraksts uz diska liecina, ka albums saucas "Gagauzskaja svadjba - 9". Proti, gagauzu kāzu dziesmas, kuru vokālistam vajadzētu pievērsties Eliota Smita kaverēšanai. Jo sevišķi iesaku trekus #3 (izklausās pēc 80.gadu TV seriāla theme song ar folkmūzikas piesitienu) un #13 (gaudulīga kāzu balāde). Disks šajā laikā ir nedaudz saskrāpēts, tāpēc noripot izdevās tikai 11 no 15 tajā iekļautajām dziesmām.

Vilkt šeit

12:54 pm: copy-paste no copy-paste
hey /h/ slight newfag here.. But i've been into the 4chan side of the intarwebs for some time without realising it :p.

i wonder if u /h/tards could give me some true opinons on a few things. I'm not gonna ask you to be serious because thats a paradox of some kind :p but well it's kind of a measure of how weird i am compared to the rest of you >.<

1.Paedophilia. Is it really wrong? Am i the only one that realises having sexual desires for younger people cannot be controlled and is the saem as being gay?? It's acting on them that is wrong (i.e raping a young girl)

2. I find women attractive and not men, but i still have a facination with the penis, and would be quite curious to give head, but i stress everything else about men disgusts me..anyone else?

3.Do you think there is such a thing as love? All i see everywhere are people with an equal amount of attractiveness matchign themselves and having sex, and soemtimes settling down because society maeks them + fear of dying alone. Yet what i seek more than anything else is this naive idea of love....

IN before bel-air , obvious troll is obvious, newfag is very new etc etc etc

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