

September 22nd, 2010

08:41 am: Another truly troubled troubadour
Writing songs to even up the score

A tune for every single body flow
And I sing 'em at the sideshow

un vēl divpadsmit dziesmas par bārenību

09:09 am: and i was fine till i saw the pale horse ride
and open up it's gape across the ocean floor
you were fine till you saw the white rider take
and take some more

un vēl septiņas dziesmas ar draņķīgiem tekstiem un kūlu mužiku

09:16 am: When you see me walkin' up the empty yard, just a-singin' and a-clappin' my hands
Tell my mama I love her, tell my father I tried, give my money to my baby to spend

un veļ dieviņam dziesmas par dzelzceļiem, pašnāvībām n shit

09:27 am: Well, I had to be brave

09:31 am: teksta fragments yadda yadda

09:44 am: eju skūties.

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