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07:32 pm: Hold Steady dziesmu autors un solists Kregs Finns par The Doors albumu "L.A. Woman"
"The music meanders, and Morrison was more like a drunk asshole than an intelligent poet. The worst of the worst is the last song, Riders on the Storm: 'There's a killer on the road/ His brain is squirming like a toad' - that's surely the worst line in rock'n'roll history. He gave the green light to generations of pseuds."

Manuprāt, nedaudz par skarbu teikts, taču principā piekrītu. Ar vienu lielu "bet" - par spīti visam, daudzu Morisona dziesmu teksti ir arī vieni no labskanīgākajiem rokmūzikas vēsturē. Un tad pārējais lielā mērā ir pohuj.

Cita starpā gribēju piebilst, ka iepriekšējā tripā iesvilināja Lenons, Radiohead, Emija Vainhausa, Esperanca Spaldinga un Dilana Jokerman un Thunder on the Mountain. Tripīgākais gan laikam ir Most Likely You'll Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine jaunajā klipā.

Also, Hold Steady jaunais albums "Stay Positive" rox. Jā, GM, recenzija būs.


Date:August 28th, 2008 - 08:08 pm
Iz mega-mūvija "Almost famous":

Lester Bangs: The Doors? Jim Morrison? He's a drunken buffoon posing as a poet.
Alice Wisdom: I like the doors.
Lester Bangs: Give me the guess who. They got the courage to be drunken buffoons, which makes them poetic.
[User Picture]
Date:August 28th, 2008 - 08:24 pm
Hū da fak iz Lesters Bangs?
Date:August 28th, 2008 - 08:26 pm
Visu mūzikas kritiķu korifejs. Tāds kā roka kritikas Naumanis.
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