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07:31 am: Ain't talkin', just walkin'
Ok, jādodas ceļā uz darbu. Pusotra stunda kājām. Plus atpakaļ tikpat. Viss sabiedriskais transports uz manu kraju ir atcelts, bet alternatīvās pārvietošanās metodes es nicinu. Fun, fun, fun.

Šeit laikam iederētos kāds idiotiski primitīvs pretkara izsauciens or smth. Bet es esmu pārāk noguris, samiegojies un pofigistisks (vismaz tagad), lai izplūstu Masters of War or smth dziedāšanā. Pie tam ekonomista izglītība gribot negribot liek uz to visu noskatīties ar mierīgu prātu. Kaut arī... eh, labi, nocitēšu vismaz Toma Veitsa Road to Peace iz jaunā albuma Orphans, kas varētu būt šīs desmitgades labākā pretkara dziesma. Lai būtu kūlais džeks n stuff.

Israel launched it's latest campaign against Hamas on Tuesday
And two days later Hamas shot back and killed five Israeli soldiers
So thousands dead and wounded on both sides most of them Middle Eastern civilians
They fill the children full of hate to fight an old man's war and die upon the road to peace

"Now this is our land we will fight with all our force" say the Palastinians and the Jews
Each side will cut off the hand of anyone who tries to stop the resistance
If the right eye offends thee then you must pluck it out
And Mahmoud Abbas said Sharon had been lost out along the road to peace

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