Vakar GM izteicās, ka es visur cenšos piekabināt jebkādu saistību ar Bobu Dilanu. Tad, lūk, Reuters nupat ziņoja, ka beidzot par divu tumšādaino džeku nogalināšanu 60.-tajos gados Misisipi notiesāts viens no bijušajiem Kukluksklana locekļiem. Un es uzreiz atcerējos dziesmu Oxford Town: :
Oxford Town in the afternoon
Ev'rybody singin' a sorrowful tune
Two men died 'neath the Mississippi moon
Somebody better investigate soon
40+ gadi ir gana "soon".
Oxford Town in the afternoon
Ev'rybody singin' a sorrowful tune
Two men died 'neath the Mississippi moon
Somebody better investigate soon
40+ gadi ir gana "soon".